News From IPA FPE and topics brought by participant(s)

News can contain various subjects

  • Participation of FPE as Short Term Expert(STE) (STE) for practical forensic knowledge to bear in government institutions;
  • New to register Forensic investigation methods,techniques, equipment, a challenge for the FPE’s!
  • Ongoing validation processes of new Forensic investigative methods.
  • The activities about the implementation of ISO 17020
  • Notification of validated and / or new Forensic investigation methods
  • Focus on specific investigation methods
  • Extraordinary information about experiences from practice.
  • Test recommendation just validated or … … ..

How and which way do FPE members make a step forward to achieving their personal and professional mission as a member of IPA FPE.

To inform members about new and current developments in the line of forensic investigation we use polls .

These polls are mostly a request of companies who offer forensic the tools and/or software and want to present them.

Through these polls among participants Interest may be tested.

It’s also looking at the financial cost in relation how the offered stands in order of quality, functionality and effectiveness.

The result of such polls will be decisive for a sequel. Use of this methodology lies at the 1st half 2015 to start.

“A good investigation starts, when a police man / woman through knowledge and experience to recognize what is still to act.”

People within the police, which is the first to come into contact with a “incident”, play a crucial role.

“Their personal and professional behaviour during incidents start learning to understand how the site conditions are, because every failure herein ultimately influenced the final outcome of an investigation.”